Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009
Souljah Indonesia

Why this name ?
We chose the name out of other names out there, which people say, lots better. But we persisted to keep the name on, because we feel it has a deep meaning for us. The name Souljah was taken from the word "Soldier" which then pronounced with a Jamaican's style. But beyond whatever, we felt that the meaning of the word soldier itself, gave us sense of belonging. This is what we are.
Band History :
Souljah is a band that plays Jamaican-rooted music based in Indonesia. We chose the name out of other names out there, which people say, lots better. But we persisted to keep the name on, because we feel it has a deep meaning for us. The name Souljah was taken from the word "Soldier" which then pronounced with a Jamaican's style. But beyond whatever, we felt that the meaning of the word soldier itself, gave us sense of belonging. This is what we are. What we meant to be. But the next queries that might arise are "how soldier is Souljah?", "what is Souljah struggling for?" These questions are understandable for us, since Souljah is formed back on October 2004. In a range of time which not even reach 1 year, the word 'struggle' became a question for any of us. It all began back in 1998, when the first 5 personnel of Souljah met and had an accidentally exercise. Through one song from Save Ferris, Come On Eileen, Renhat (Bass), Bayu (guitar), Dimas (drum), Ari (guitar), and Danar (vocal), united under the name of Arigatoo (the early Souljah). And to complete the formation, we recruited Shanty (trumpet) to fill in the brass section position. From then on, Arigatoo joined many auditions in order to have a chance to perform in some hot gigs at that time. Stages now our friends. And the fame was followed with personnel's changes. Firstly, Vino (alto saxophone) joined Arigatoo, but then it followed by Shanty who decided to walk out from the band. Along the year of 1999-2001, we also met lots of friend from the stages we've come over. We also recruited David (trumpet), to complete the brass section's formation.
This 8 formation lasted for quite some times. One of our song "Indehoy di Teluk Bayur" was a major hits back to the listener of Mustang PunkSkaSila. And our other song "Petualangan VW Combi", was in Sony Music Indonesia's compilation album "Skamania". Again, Arigatoo was in hallowed. Renhat decided to continue his study to Hawaii, and then followed with Ocha, Ari, and Dimas who chose to concentrate on their works over their attribute of a band member. While the 4 of us, tried to survive with additional players such as Jemmy, Beamy (Brain The Machine), Mito (Daily Feedback), Sigit, Wahyu, and Heru (Penyot Sexy), to jam wiith us while we're on stage or when we had to do some recordings. At 2002, Renhat went back home and together with Dimas they returned to the band. Programs and dreams were re-listed. And we continued to create new songs. In this journey, we met Sa'id (toasting/rap), who added a different atmosphere to our song. The thought of making Souljah came to reality was started at this moment. But truly manifested after Arigatoo's 1st album; Kami Bukan Perawan Lagi, was being released to market at 2003. The title of the album; in English it meant: We're no longer virgin, was not made merely for joke, but it actually reflected our maturity, where we're no longer a 'child' anymore, we even could make a 'child'. We were not virgin, in musical term. When finally Sa'id joined Arigatoo, we felt a strange vibration within each one of us. We became more intense in making songs, so spirit full, and dared to make experimentation in our songs. We were really wanted to mix up our taste and music liking, blend them in, to create new and different music. This vibration was pushed us to the edge and finally we decided to let Arigatoo go and welcomed Souljah. This uneasy decision, somehow, made us feel more free in making music. And as the Jamaican kind of name we have, that's where our roots came from. Jamaican music. But this time, we do not play ska only, but also dance hall, dub, reggae. We also tried to include rock, drum n bass, and hip hop to our music. These enjoyable songs could be listened in Souljah first album, Breaking The Roots. As one had said, it ain't over 'till it's over, so to our struggle for our music. We have to fight for our dreams that have become our air to breathe
Equipment used :
Danar (voc) use Shure SM 58
Sa'id (voc) use Shure SM 58
Renhat (bass) use fender jazz bass, boss EQ
Bayu (guitar) use Fender stratocaster, Korg AX 3000
David (key) use RD 700
Vino (sax) use Shelmer sax
sumber :
Label: Yoomaaan
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